Begging the Question

Whiteness permeates the body politic in intercourse and interstice, its invisible skin damp with guilty sweat from every pore.  Whiteness circulates back through every vein artery delivered, heart pumped as ordered by the brain.  Healing or bleeding?  Stealing or feeding?  A flurry to fix or fury from neglect?  Cursory, hurried, pounded out and picked at half-finished and half felt.  Just a single breath length of time to figure it out. différence|différance. Once delayed always denied.  Yet maybe from the majority of color. Forgiveness?  Asked for by whom?  Those who begged the question and caused the problem?  “I do not know.  Am I my brother’s keeper?”

Published in: Uncategorized on July 26, 2017 at 7:33 am  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Go back to school.Your sentences are nonsense.

    • vkorchnoifan … perhaps you need to go back to school to learn poetry. not all knowledge will be served to you on a plate. you must search it and if you lack understanding ask. your comment was very arrogant. how can you say go back to school and know not who sits on the other end? this is my last comment to you..ant response you give will either redeem you or bury you in your own arrogance.

  2. Thanks for this. God bless

  3. vkorchnoifan … perhaps you need to go back to school to learn poetry. not all knowledge will be served to you on a plate. you must search it and if you lack understanding ask. your comment was very arrogant. how can you say go back to school and know not who sits on the other end? this is my last comment to you..and your response will either redeem you or bury you in your own arrogance. God Bless.

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